Within C++, there is a much smaller and cleaner language struggling to get out. — Bjarne Stroustrup

C++ is vast. If you’re beginning to learn it, the internet has enough discouraging words. Just start learning instead of reading about it i.e. don’t learn about C++, learn C++. The innumerable topics might be daunting, but don’t worry. Knowing a few concepts will get you productive. More than the actual content, this article aims to give you keywords of that set, so that you can pursue them further.

Spirit of C++ is a beginner presentation I’d given to a 50+ team; it received good comments too. See that for a tutorial-style, more in-depth treatment of the basics.


  • Based on C
    • More popular sibling of Objective-C
    • Intermediate-level: can operate at both low and high-levels
    • Native: compiles to object, not byte, code
    • Rich standard library
    • Fairly modern with new standards: C++11, 14, 17 and 20
  • Static, strongly typed
    • Static Variables are tied to types
    • Strong Type system is rigid and tries to prevent cross-overs
    • Calling on nil crashes; can’t call a non-existent method
    • A set of type safety properties for all possible inputs guaranteed
  • Key Differences to C#, Objective-C and Java
    • Multi-paradigm language
      • Imperative, OOP, generic and functional
    • Allows static and virtual methods
    • Supports multiple inheritance
    • No Reflection
      • Queries about type system at run-time unsupported
      • NO type system once compiled

Lots of dark corners not discussed; we want to build a good mental model of a language; corner cases build a weak model.


  • Comment: //, /**/
  • Token: int, a
  • Expression: a + b
    • Operators: *, static_cast<T>(), sizeof, new, …
  • Statement: c = a + b;
  • Block: { c = a + b; }
  • Function: int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
  • Function template template <typename T> T add(T a, T b) { return a + b; }
  • Class
  • Class template
  • Inclusions (header and source)

Bonus: Inherits C’s header issues.

Data Types

Built-in Types

  • Nullity void
  • Integral
    • bool
    • char
      • wchar_t
      • char16_t
      • char32_t
    • int, unsigned int
      • short, unsigned short
      • long, unsigned long
      • long long, unsigned long long
      • uint8_t, int8_t, … from cstdint
  • Floating Point
    • float
    • double
      • long double
  • Arrays int[3], float[5]
  • Function types int (float, char)
  • Pointers int*, float*, int (*addptr)(int, int)
  • References
  • Class and struct types

None have guaranteed sizes except size-named ones.

Sample 1

#include <iostream>

// function definition
// pass by value
int add(int x, int y) {
  return x + y;

// pass by reference; can also be achieved with pointers
void myswap(int &x, int &y) {
  int t = x;
  x = y;
  y = t;

// function declaration
int add(int x, int, int /*z*/);

int main() {
  int a = 1, b = 2;
  myswap(a, b);
  float f = add(a, b);    // widening assignment, cast unneeded
  // really a call to std::ostream& std::ios::operator<<(std::ostream&, float)
  // with std::cout and f as parameters; notice the return type that enables expression chaining
  std::cout << f << '\n';
  const double PI = 3.14;
  // clang++ 9.1.0
  // warning: implicit conversion from 'double' to 'int' changes value from 3.14 to 3
  std::cout << add(1, 2, PI);
  // static_cast<int>(3.14) states programmer intention explicitly; no warning

// pass by value
int add(int x, int y, int z) {
  return x + y + z;


  • Inclusion
  • Variables, types
  • Function definition
  • Function declaration
  • Function call
  • Function overloading
  • Standard functions


Compile with GCC/Clang’s C++ frontend

g++ -Wall -std=c++14 -pedantic test.cpp -o test

Add -g -O0 for debug symbols.

Compile with VC++ (use /D_DEBUG for debug symbols)

cl /EHsc test.cpp

Conditionals and Loops

  • If… else
  • For
    • Range for
  • While
    • Do.. while
  • Switch
  • Go to

Loops additionally support break and continue.

Sample 2

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
  int i = 0;
  int arr[10] = { };
  do {
    arr[i] = i;
  } while (i < 10);
  // idomatic way of doing this: std::iota
  std::cout << i << '\n';

  // boolean context
  if (!i)  // checks if i is 0
    std::cout << "What!\n";
  else if (i == 10)
    std::cout << "Cool\n";
    std::cout << "Whatever\n";

  goto vowels;

  for (; i > 0; --i) {
    std::cout << i << '\t';

  std::string s = "\nHello";
  // range for
  for (char c : s) {
    // switch only operates on integral types
    switch (c) {
      case 'a':
        std::cout << "o\n";
      case 'e':
        std::cout << "o\n";
      case 'i':
        std::cout << "o\n";
      case 'o':
        std::cout << "o\n";
      case 'u':
        std::cout << "o\n";
        std::cout << "x\n";

Scope, Storage Duration and Linkage

  • Scope: Region in which a name is visible to compiler
    • Namespaces are used for better organising
  • Linkage: Name visibility for linker
  • Variable Scopes
    • Local: Visible only in the current block
    • Global: Visible to the compilation unit
  • Storage Duration
    • Automatic / Local: Lifetime ends as execution leaves scope
    • Static: Alive throughout the program
  • Linkage
    • None: No linkage
    • Internal: Translation unit
    • External: Beyond compilation unit
    • Global variables are by default internal; change with extern
    • Function are by default external; change with static

Object Construction and Memory Management

  • Two types: PODs (no magic) and non-PODs (magic)
  • Construction: memory allocation + initialization
  • Destruction: deinitialization + memory deallocation
  • Memory spaces
    • Stack
      • A stack frame / function (memory) of limited size
      • Hosts function parameters and local variables
      • Frame popped out when function returns to caller or an exception occurs
      • Current frame and the ones above can access data
      • Fast and short-lived; preferred
    • Free store (heap)
      • A large area free to allocate memory
      • Never deleted until done explicitly
      • Greater visibility and flexibility in life time
      • Greater chances of fragmentation
      • Manual management; cumbersome
  • No garbage collector; mostly manual
  • Modern C++ with RAII relieves one from most manual rote work (sometimes called “eagerly managed”)
  • Avoid new and delete like the plague!
  • Use std::unique_ptr and sparingly std::shared_ptr
  • Use containers or the many higher-level constructs available in std

Sample 3

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

int main() {
  int *intPtr = new int{0};  // initialize value to 0
  delete intPtr;             // call dtor and release memory
  intPtr = nullptr;          // initialize pointer to 0

  // array has its own operators
  int *arrPtr = new int[4]{0, 1, 2, 3};  // <- initializer list
  arrPtr[0] = 1;
  delete [] arrPtr;
  arrPtr = nullptr;

  std::unique_ptr<int> ip = std::make_unique<int>(3);
  std::unique_ptr<int[]> ap = std::make_unique<int[]>(3);
  std::cout << *ip << '\n' << ap[2];

Sample 4

Shows the difference between traditional and modern C++ dialects.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <limits>

class mySafeInt
    mySafeInt(int x) : i{x} { }

    int get() const { return i; }

    int i = 0;

mySafeInt** conv_old(int argc, char **argv, int* count) {
    mySafeInt **p = nullptr;
    int processed = 0;
    if (argc >= 2) {
        p = new mySafeInt*[argc];
        for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
            int x = strtoul(argv[i], nullptr, 10);
            if (x != 0)
                p[processed++] = new mySafeInt{x};
    *count = processed;
    return p;

std::vector<mySafeInt> conv_new(int argc, char **argv) {
    std::vector<std::string> vs(argv + 1, argv + argc);
    std::vector<mySafeInt> v;
    std::for_each(vs.cbegin(), vs.cend(), [&](const std::string& s){
                                              try {
                                                  v.emplace_back(mySafeInt{std::stoi(s, nullptr, 10)});
                                              catch (std::invalid_argument&) {
                                                  std::cerr << "Invalid argument '" << s << "' ignored.\n";
                                              catch (std::out_of_range&) {
                                                  std::cerr << s << " beyond MAX_INT(" << std::numeric_limits<int>::max() << "); ignored.\n";
    return v;

std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const mySafeInt &i) {
    return os << i.get();

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int outLen = 0;
    mySafeInt** ip = conv_old(argc, argv, &outLen);
    if ((ip == nullptr) || (outLen == 0))
         std::cerr << "Insufficient data\n";
    else {
        for (int i = 0; i < outLen; ++i)
            std::cout << ip[i]->get() << ", ";

        for (int i = 0; i < outLen; ++i) {
            delete ip[i];
        delete [] ip;
    std::cout << '\n';

    auto v = conv_new(argc, argv);
    if (v.empty())
        std::cerr << "Insufficient data\n";
    else {
        std::copy(v.cbegin(), v.cend(), std::ostream_iterator<mySafeInt>{std::cout, ", "});
    std::cout << '\n';

Structs and Classes

Inheritance isn’t for code reuse; it’s for interface conformance.

  • Allows fine-grained control over
    • Allocation
    • Initialization
    • Copy
    • Move
    • Assignment (both copy and move)
    • Deinitialization
    • Deallocation
    • Operators
  • Popularly called Rule of Three, then Rule of Five but now really Rule of Zero
  • Refer cheat sheet for when to supply which special member function
  • Order is important
    • Construction happens from top to bottom e.g. inheritance, variables of a class, function, etc.
    • Destruction happens from bottom to top

Sample 5

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

// HEADER: shape.hpp

struct Point
  float x = 0, y = 0;

struct Shape2D
  // data members
  Point pos;

  // member functions

  // constructors
  Shape2D() = default;
  Shape2D(float posX, float posY);

  // accessors and modifiers; former is usually const
  Point GetPos() const;
  void SetPos(int posX, int posY);

  // class data and functions
  static constexpr float PI = 3.14f;
  static int GetResID();

// IMPLEMENTATION: shape.cpp

Shape2D::Shape2D(float posX, float posY) : pos{posX, posY} {

void Shape2D::SetPos(int posX, int posY) {
  pos.x = posX;
  pos.y = posY;

Point Shape2D::GetPos() const {
  return pos;

// can’t access members from a static function
// call as Shape2D::GetResID() or obj.GetResID()
int Shape2D::GetResID() {
  return 0x12;

// HEADER: circle.hpp

class Circle : public Shape2D

  Circle(float x, float y, float rad);
  Circle(Point pt, float rad);
  Circle(const Circle& that);

  Circle& operator=(const Circle& that);
  float operator+(const Circle& that) const;

  ~Circle() = default;

  float r = 1.0f;            // in-place initilizers

// IMPLEMNTATION: circle.cpp

Circle::Circle() : r{1.0f} {

// initialization lists
Circle::Circle(float x, float y, float rad) : Shape2D(x, y), r{rad} {

Circle::Circle(Point pt, float rad) : Shape2D(pt.x, pt.y) {
  r = rad;        // perhaps slower way

// copy constructor; take by reference
Circle::Circle(const Circle& that) : Shape2D{that.pos.x, that.pos.y}, r{that.r} {

float Circle::operator+(const Circle& that) const {
  return r + that.r;

Circle& Circle::operator=(const Circle& that) {
  if (this != &that) {
    this->r = that.r;
    // base class method call syntax is the same as static function call interface
  // return this for expression chaining
  return *this;

int main() {
  Circle c1;
  auto c2 = std::make_unique<Circle>(1, 1, 6);
  std::cout << c1 + *c2 << '\n';

Interfaces or ABCs

  • Abstract base classes are interfaces in C++
  • Concrete classes implement ABCs
  • Overridable methods are marked virtual
  • Must-override methods are made pure virtual = 0
  • Polymorphism with dynamic binding
    • Works only with pointers and references
    • Polymorphism: animal.eat() might be squirrel.nibble() or cow.chew() depending on the object at runtime
    • Dynamic Binding: the mechanism that enables polymorphism
      • Call to actual function resolved based on vtbl (virtual table)
    • Never call a virtual function during construction!

Sample 6

class Shape  // abstract

  virtual ~Shape() { }   // <- without this it’s not an interface!!

  virtual Point GetPosition() const = 0;  // pure virtual
  virtual void  SetPosition(float x, float y) = 0;

class Square : public Shape
  Point GetPosition() const override {

Asserts, Errors and Exceptions

  • Asserts are validation for programmer whether internal systems work correctly
    • e.g. assert if an internal invariant has remained unchanged
  • Errors are when at runtime something goes wrong
    • e.g. user input is invalid, file system is not longer available
    • Fail fast / early
  • Assertions: planned, errors: unplanned
  • Use static asserts for compile-time validation/conformance
  • C/COM-style: return error code
  • C++ allows both error codes and exceptions (try { throw(...); } catch(...) { })
  • Internal errors, if you’re throwing an exception, be prepared to catch it too
  • External errors that are manageable catch else throw
    • Uncaught exceptions bubble up and abort the program when the stack is empty
  • Don’t use exceptions as a control mechanism
  • When a constructor fails throw an exception; notice that the return type is missing
  • When a destructor fails? Call Aunt Tilda
    • Seriously, never throw an exception from a destructor
    • Disrupts stack unwind sequence and aborts the program
  • Some projects turn off exceptions for various reasons including
    • Legacy C code interfacing that doesn’t have exceptions
    • Performance (common in game engines)

Commonly used std:: facilities

C++ ships with a very versatile standard library. Take advantage of it! Explore now; find gems!



  • std::vector all-purpose, auto-expanding array type when size unknown at compile-time
  • std::array when you know the size; wrapper over simple arrays; avoids ugliness
  • std::deque double-ended queue that’s almost as fast as vector; Herb Sutter recommends highly
  • std::list, std::forward_list doubly and singly linked list


  • std::set collection of unique items; sorted and searchable in O(log2 N) time1
  • std::map collection of key-value pairs; same as set with a value associated to the key
  • std::multiset, std::multimap multiple keys allowed; not just unique

Unordered Associative

  • std::unordered_set hash map with no values
  • std::unordered_map hash map2
  • std::unordered_multiset, std::unordered_multimap

Container Adopters

  • std::stack
  • std::queue
  • std::priority_queue


  • std::for_each
  • std::copy
  • std::lower_bound, std::upper_bound (binary search on sorted sequences)
  • std::transform
  • std::find_if
  • std::any_of, std::all_of, std::none_of


  • std::thread
  • std::packaged_task
  • std::async
  • std::future, std::promise
  • std::mutex
  • std::lock_guard

Atomics, filesystem library and many more, not covered here due to scope.

Further Reading

My Content

  1. Spirit of C++ - Slide deck of a detailed presentation targeting non-C++ learners
  2. Selected C++ Idioms - Slide deck of a presentation idioms often used in large codebases like Chromium
  3. Build Fundamentals - Slide deck of a presentation on building C++ code: starts manually and moves to tools like GNU Make
  4. C++ Parameter Choices - Cheat sheet of when and how to take/pass function parameters


  1. ISO C++ FAQ
  2. C++ and standard library reference
  3. StackOverflow C++ FAQ
  4. C++ Primer, 5th Edition
  5. The C++ Programming Language, Bjarne Stroustrup
  6. RIP Tutorial includes eccentric topics like alignment, ADL, metaprogramming, etc.
  7. The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List
  8. C++ Idioms
  9. C++ Papyrus: extensive notes on various C and C++-related topics including tool chains, shared libraries, Unix, Linux and WinAPI programming, OpenGL, etc.
  10. How to build highly-debuggable C++ binaries

  1. Use sorted vector instead of set, if find calls outnumber insert; it’d be lot faster — Matt Austern. C++23 offers std::flat_set↩︎

  2. Robin Hood hashing is a good technique when using linear probing. absl::flat_hash_map, part of Abseil’s Swiss tables, is recommended over std::unordered_map. It is also Rust’s HashMap implementation. Malte Skarupe’s bytell_hash_map is the fastest as of writing this article. Check Malte’s recommendations on choosing one. ↩︎